This webinar series will address the Common Information Model (CIM), the standard developed by the electric power industry that has been officially adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
The CIM can be used to derive 'design artifacts' (e.g. XML Schema, RDF Schema) as needed for the integration of related application software. The CIM is also used to derive messages for the wholesale energy market with the framework for energy market communications, IEC 62325. The European style market profile is a profile derivation from the CIM to harmonize the energy market data exchanges in Europe. The standard that defines the core packages of the CIM is IEC 61970-301, with a focus on the needs of electricity transmission, where related applications include energy management system, SCADA, planning and optimization. The IEC 61970-501 and 61970-452 standards define an XML format for network model exchanges using RDF. The IEC 61968 series of standards extend the CIM to meet the needs of electrical distribution, where related applications include distribution management system, outage management system, planning, metering, work management, geographic information system, asset management, customer information systems and enterprise resource planning.