Technical & location video presentation
The electrification of transport is one of the most important approaches to achieve the necessary decarbonization of the economy. However, this massive electrification represents new challenges for the power system, not only at the grid level, but also at behind the meter electrical infrastructures.
This on-location video presentation discusses:
- New challenges for smart charging and how to meet and mitigate them.
- Smart Charging at different levels: Using charging stations connected to a cloud-based backend, and receive real time information about the consumption of entire buildings and real-time information about the availability of locally generated power.
- Using data generated to set a minute-by-minute charging profile and sent it back to each charging stations, to avoid unnecessary peaks loads and optimizing the consumption of solar energy.
Presented by Luís Tiago Ferreira, Head of Energy Efficiency & Electric Mobility | EDP DISTRIBUIÇÃO