The Ukrainian crisis has had a deep impact on the European Union and the debate on State Aid rules is at the center of it. France and Germany have taken the lead in wanting to weaken State Aid rules, while almost all the other Member States are afraid of the possible competition distortion if it is not coupled with a EU sovereignty fund. This discussion will focus on the following points:
- The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on national and regional EU power markets.
- Understanding the scope and implications of the new EU discipline on foreign subsidies for power utilities in Europe.
- The different positions, interpretations and opinions on State Aid rules and arguments for and against a dedicated EU sovereignty fund.
- Assessing the potential impact on EU the energy sector and power utilities and the concerns regarding competition distortion
- The implications of weakening EU state aid rules and the potential for power utilities to leverage the new discipline to their advantage.
Speaker Panelists: Marius Stefana, Head of Antitrust and European Law, ENEL, Christof Schoser, Head of the task force on Foreign Subsidies of the EC, European Commission | Lilie Barski, Head of Competition & Antitrust Law, E.ON ( Germany)| Oskar Ahnfelt, Vice President Public & Regulatory Affairs, Vattenfall(Sweden)* | Ana Burghi, Team Lead for EU Affairs, TransnetBW* | Grzegorz Zielinski, Director Head of Energy - Europe, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Ulrik Stridbæk, Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Ørsted (Denmark)*| Georgios Kalogiannakis, Chief Operating Officer, EDF Renewables (France)* | Dominika Niewierska , Chief Specialist, PKN ORLEN* (Poland) Tuulia Strandén, Senior Legal Counsel, Fortum (Finland)* |
Giorgio Motta, Partner, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP